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Let’s Talk Turkey

28 Nov

It’s been almost a week since Thanksgiving and I still have leftovers chilling in my fridge.  Actually, they may no longer be chilling.  They may be actively growing hair and fingernails.  *cough*  Ahem.

How was your Thanksgiving?  Ours was low-key and laid back.  Just like I like it.  I only had to make the dressing and a pie which made life a lot less complicated.  The dressing was my Great Grandmother Ocee’s recipe which is delicious and perfect in every way.  The pie was a Lemon Chess Pie which was amazing.  Traditional?  No.  Delicious and Lemon-tastic?  Oh, yes!  I am fiend for any dessert that is lemon flavored.  But really, who isn’t?  It wasn’t too strong or overly filling and seemed to pair well with the Pecan Pie my husband’s Grandmother made.


As you can see the weather in Central Oklahoma was mild on Thanksgiving.  Thankfully the kids played outside while the women finished up cooking in the kitchen.  Nothing sets tempers on edge more than children under foot when a hundred things are being prepared simultaneously.

Of course once the camera came out, Jaden and Fisher were ready to cheese for me on cue.  Look at the size of that Sycamore leaf!  This Sycamore tree is amazing if not a little smelly at times.

What the heck…why not make a quick photo shoot out of a few minutes of play?

And if we’re going to have a photo shoot, we might as well make faces at the camera for a few minutes.  It’s for the sake of  posterity after all.

The best part of our Thanksgiving was eating off of these sweet place mats that the kids made.  There were eight total, but these two were my favorites, mainly because they are morbid.  Those poor turkeys.  One is about to be run through with a sword and another is being hunted by a girl dreaming of turkey ribs.  Creepy!

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Let Them Eat Cake

15 Jul


It’s that time again.  Time for another cake!  Oh my goodness, I love cake.  (Just ignore me when I’m actually decorating a cake.  The wild hair and fangs are only temporary.  They disappear once the stress of decorating is gone.)  Did I say stress?  Is it possible to love something but to also be stress out by something?  I’m a complicated lady.

This one is for my Father-in-Law’s birthday. It’s hard to find a simple yet masculine design for cake, thus I plaid it safe with plaid.  You can’t go wrong with plaid.  (Unless it’s paired with polka dots and zig-zags.  Then it might be too much.)  ;]


28 Oct

My husband’s grandfather passed away this morning.  It is a great loss to the family and has deeply saddened us all to lose such a wonderful Grandfather, Father and Husband. 

Regular posts will resume on Monday, November 1st.